Consultation (Mr. Liu)

Popular keywords: Dongguan Robot FactoryDongguan Conveyor Belt FactoryDongguan RobotOblique arm robotic armRobot accessories

4News -> Industry dynamics

1、 Robots applicable in the injection molding industry can be divided into the following two types based on their level of intelligence:

1. Basic injection molding robot: This type of robot generally includes fixed mode programs and teaching mode programs according to production process requirements. The fixed mode program covers several standard processes for injection molding production, utilizing industrial control to perform simple, regular, and repetitive actions. The teaching mode program is specifically designed for injection molding machines with special production processes, achieving the goal of successful retrieval by arranging basic movements in an orderly and safe manner.
2. Intelligent injection molding robot arm: This type of robot arm generally includes functions such as multi-point memory placement, standby at any point, and multiple degrees of freedom. It is generally driven by servo and can perform complex operations to the maximum extent possible. It can also be equipped with advanced sensors to provide visual, tactile, and thermal functions, making it a highly intelligent injection molding robot arm. 2、 According to other classification methods, it is classified as follows:
The driving methods are divided into pneumatic, variable frequency, and servo.
According to mechanical structure, it can be divided into rotary type, horizontal type, and side retrieval type.
Classified according to arm structure: single amputation and double amputation.
According to the number of arms, it can be divided into single arm and double arm.
According to the X-axis structure, it is divided into hanging arm type and frame type.
According to the different control programs, it is divided into multiple fixed programs and self editable programs.
Distinguish device size based on arm mobility, usually in increments of 100MM.