Consultation (Mr. Liu)

Popular keywords: Dongguan Robot FactoryDongguan Conveyor Belt FactoryDongguan RobotOblique arm robotic armRobot accessories

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Currently, Chinese plastic processing plants in the coastal areas of South and East China are showing increasing interest in robotic arms, but the penetration rate of injection molding machine robotic arms in the domestic plastic machine industry is still less than 10%, which is still unsatisfactory.
Sun Liqing, Executive Advisor of Shenzhen Plastic Industry Association, stated: Most plastic product companies prefer to continue producing low value-added products rather than investing in equipment. Some companies purchase robotic arms only to attract customers to obtain orders. The factors for showoff far outweigh the purpose of improving efficiency. High cost is one of the main factors hindering the use of robotic arms by processing companies. Typically, the price of a robotic arm is about half of the labor required to make a device run continuously 24 hours a day The total salary from one year to three years. (Usually determined by the stroke size and configuration of the robotic arm)
According to analysis, the use of robotic arms can address challenges such as high worker turnover rates, shortened delivery cycles, and safety issues. Factory employees frequently switch jobs, and some workers also return to their hometowns during the Chinese New Year without returning to the factory. Employers must constantly train new employees, which can affect quality and production efficiency. There are no concerns about using a robotic arm. In addition, the robotic arm can ensure consistency in the operating cycle, improve quality, and be safer. Related information: Diagonal arm robotic arm Dongguan robotic arm accessories Horizontal walking robotic arm