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Core Tip: Industrial robots are important production equipment for improving the efficiency and quality of modern industrial production. When China's manufacturing industry is facing a realistic environment where the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, the large-scale application of industrial robots will reshape China's manufacturing industry.
Industrial robots are important production equipment for improving the efficiency and quality of modern industrial production. When China's manufacturing industry is facing a realistic environment where the demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, the large-scale application of industrial robots will reshape China's manufacturing industry.
In the current situation where the global technological revolution is poised, coupled with the impact of digitalization in the manufacturing industry, it has also posed challenges for China to better become the "factory of the world". After all, the technological level and innovation ability of "Made in China" are still relatively low, and there is still a gap in value creation ability compared to developed countries.
Experts point out that the gap between China and other competitors is narrowing. For example, Southeast Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, and Vietnam are becoming new frontiers for accepting industrial transfer from developed countries with lower cost advantages than China.
These are all driving the transformation of "Made in China". In the future, only by vigorously transforming industrial structures with higher technological levels, obvious increasing returns to scale, and strong industrial profitability, seeking benefits from productivity, and climbing upstream in the value chain, can we truly reshape the competitiveness of "Made in China".
How can we achieve this goal? The large-scale application of industrial robots has become one of the important choices in the industry.
Industrial robots reshape China's manufacturing competitiveness
The current unfavorable situation faced by China's industrial market is the continuous increase in labor costs, the gradual disappearance of population dividends, and the gradual transfer of labor-intensive manufacturing from China to Southeast Asian countries. The application of robots has become an inevitable trend in China's manufacturing industry.
In this environment, in order to reshape the competitive advantage of China's manufacturing industry and achieve industrial transformation and upgrading, in July 2012, the State Council issued the "12th Five Year Plan for the Development of National Strategic Emerging Industries", which pointed out that in the intelligent manufacturing equipment industry, it is necessary to vigorously promote the development and industrialization of automatic control systems, industrial robots, key components and other devices.
Local robot demand is rising, and domestic brands need to work hard to improve
23000 units, which is the 2012 Chinese robot purchase volume released by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), making China the second largest robot market in the world for the first time, second only to Japan's 28700 units, leading the United States, South Korea, and Germany. By 2014, China will further become the world's largest demand market.
However, according to CRIA's statistics on domestic member units, the sales of local brand robots in 2012 were over 3000 units. Compared to the proportion of domestic and foreign robots in the Chinese market, local brands are at an extreme disadvantage with a proportion of 13-17%, which undoubtedly poured cold water into the already booming Chinese robot industry.
In the future, facing the huge domestic demand market, there is a driving force for development. Because if local robot companies do not rise up in competition, they will perish in the competition. Under the guidance of national policies, we actively carry out research and development of key robot technologies,